Thursday, October 31, 2013

We're Just Like Sisters

Published by: Gina Carey (C) 2013

“I love you and I promise to always be there for you”. “No matter what, I have your back”. “I am your number one supporter, you can depend me”. If you ever need a friend, call me anytime”. OK, so let me rephrase that statement, “You can always depend on me only if you’re not plagued with problems deeper than the part of the pool I wish to swim".

 We are so close, we are like sisters you say, but we are only like sisters as long as I do everything according to your liking. We are only like sisters if I chose to never think different or make choices that deviate from your thoughts and ideas of what I should do.

 We are like sisters you say, but what if I move far away from the home town where you reside? How long will it take for you to forget that I even existed? “You are like a sister to me”, are the words I’m beginning to despise.
I am not like a sister to you when you’re so eager to turn your back when I’m going through hard times. I am not like a sister to you if I call you and it takes you four weeks to return my call. I am not like a sister to you when I’m involved in great things and you never take the time to support. And I am certainly not like a sister to you when you make promises with no intention
on following through.

Did you know I got married last week? Do you even know my new last name? Hey, I got promoted on my job to manager, did you know that? The answer is no. No to everything. And now you are not like a sister to me?  You are not even a friend. Thank you Lord that I can always depend on you being there, no matter what. I’m so grateful for your steadfast love that never ceases. You love me unconditionally. Everyday that goes by, I become more and more aware of your awesome greatness. Thank you for being all that I will ever need. You are more than enough. Your love is incomparable!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Keep It Real

Published by: Gina Carey (C) 2013

 We are living in a world of fantasy! Numb and delusional! We rather believe a lie than the truth.

So you ask me to be real in a false world, but how can I keep it real, when nobody really wants to know?  We ask our friends to tell us the truth. We say things like, how does that dress look on me, how does this new haircut look, is my breath fresh, what do you think about my new relationship, or my child is really talented isn't she? Really? Do you really want me to tell you the truth without paying the price of losing my friendship?

Trust me, I've longed for the day that I could tell you just how I feel, but you won’t let me. Your mouth says yes, but your heart says no, "Leave me the way I am."

If I keep it real with you, are you prepared to accept the harsh reality of the truth? Are you willing to accept the truth even when the reality goes against the grain of your truth? You’re not going to do anything but nothing about it.

Why do you call me your friend? Have you ever thought about that? What makes a true friend? Isn’t a true friend a person that one’s heart can safely trust? 

 Stop asking me to keep it real when you really don’t want to know the truth. And, stop insisting that I tell you the truth when you know you can’t accept it?

 Yes, I can keep it real with you as you say, but can you accept the truth? A friend that speaks the truth is a friend to be valued.

Personally, I am sickened and discussed by being caressed by false words. Aren’t you? How can one grow if they can’t face the truth about their own weaknesses? As for me, if you are my true friend, I beg you to keep it real with me.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The same

 By: Gina Carey (C) 2013

 The same scene surrounds me every day. I see the same picture of a blue sky, swaying trees and a grey building without windows.  I see the same man walking his well groomed dog without a care in the world. Everything’s the same. I deal with the same problems, the same challenges and frustrations.

 Every day I face the reality of unfulfilled hopes and dreams. I mimic the same pattern from the time I arise until I close my eyes, the same. I hear the same conversations as if they were one big run on sentence of which I am most guilty of.  The words “the same “hunt me as well as they comfort me. Breaking the never ending pattern of the same comes natural for some yet traumatizing for others.
 With each passing day, I have come to realize that the same has dominated my life. I am desperately seeking ways to bring healthy pivots to my journey.  As each day passes I also have come to the clear understanding that life is what you make it. 

If you accept “The same”, then your life will become what you accept.

We call tomorrow a new day, but how can it be new when everything’s always the same? Heavenly Father, help me hear your voice and follow your leading that I won’t be stuck in this world with an unfulfilled purpose. Sometimes change is good. Don’t be afraid to let go of the same and embrace change.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Traveling Without Direction

By: Gina Carey (C) 2013

I left my home, filled up my gas tank, and before I headed back on the road, I reached in my purse, looking for the directions I had printed out from my computer. I had never been surer or more excited about my journey. Frantically scuffling through my purse, I finally found it lodged between old receipts.

I opened the folded paper and much to my surprise, there were no words printed on the paper! What could have happened? How could this be? I typed in the destination I wanted to travel to. What went wrong?
Well being that we live in a digital world, I thought to myself, no problem, I will just rely on my cell phone navigation to lead my way. So, I typed in the location I wanted to go and electronic voice instructed me to turn right, so I did, then she said keep going.

Keep going? Keep going where? Becoming extremely frustrated, I pulled over! What’s going on with this stupid navigation? Then a thought came to my mind and hit me like a ton of bricks! Have I even considered prayer? Have I considered waiting? Have I one time considered listening? No, I set out on my own life’s journey without consulting the one who already has set my path in order.

It all became clear that it is much less stressful when we rely upon the Lord God Almighty to lead and guide of lives. When we truly let go and let God!

The conclusion of this story is that I am getting back on the road without any preconceived thoughts. I am free as an eagle soaring in the wind! Holy Spirit guide my path. I don’t know where I’m going but I trust that you do. I will go wherever you take me.

The Homeless Women Inside Of Her

By: Gina Carey (C) 2013

There’s a homeless women walking on the inside of her. She’s void and lonely.  She wears a smile on the outside, but inside, she feels dark and lonely. She walks around all day without any direction, no place to go and no one to love her back. She carries the weight of her past around with nowhere to dump it.
She carries the remembrances of many disappointments.  In her thoughts she despises the dreams that were never fulfilled and goals never accomplished. Does anyone notice her pain? Does anyone reach out to her or offer a listening ear? Nobody knows that there’s a homeless women living inside of her because she hides it very well.
There’s a homeless women walking around on the inside of her. She constantly searches for the food that will satisfy her empty belly, but she finds none. 
She’s clean and well groomed. She’s gainfully employed and has family and friends surrounding her. She shakes the hands of nobles and has the vibrancy of a new born baby. Even though, everyone speaks highly of her potential of future success and many envy her beauty. Still, this homeless woman on the inside of her keeps her locked up in a jail cell cold and lonely.

What if we all looked like on the outside what we felt on the inside? Rid yourself of your inner pains. Don’t carry around a different picture on the inside then what people see externally. Eventually it will tear you down externally! The only one that I reach out to for my healing is my Heavenly Father! He can make me beautiful from the inside out.